This post is part of a compensated campaign with Mom It Forward Blogger Network and Vtech but all my opinions are my own.
Sometimes when it comes to being a mom of two I think, "Gosh I feel like a first time mom all over again!". Please, moms of 2+, tell me I'm not alone in this.
Every child is different, yes that's true. Kendall loved playing in her highchair, James hates it. James has been sleeping through the night since he was two months old, Kendall was 10-11 months before she slept through the night. But also the gadgets that are available changes in the blink of an eye.
When I got pregnant with James I thought, "Meh...I'm good" when it came to all things baby related. And then I looked online and saw so many awesome things that either weren't available when I was pregnant with Kendall or have gotten better in less than three years. It was like I was a first time mom all over again.
One thing that I always wanted but could never bring myself to buy the second time around was a video monitor. When I was pregnant with Kendall I got the motion detection monitors and never thought twice about a video monitor. Then my mother-in-law got a video monitor for her nursery and I was jealous. It was so cool to be able to peak in and watch Kendall do sweet things when she was putting herself to sleep or waking up, things you would never be able to see without a video monitor. And then I added a video monitor to my want list.
James is at the stage now where he's sleeping through the night, yes, but he's also a pro a the "let's throw everything out of our crib and scream about it" stage too. It's fun, really. I'm at the point now where I can't tell if he's crying because he just threw his blankie out or if he's just being a booger so I'd always have to go in to find out. Of course, when he sees me it makes things even harder for him to go back to sleep and pretty much starts the cycle all over again.
The VTech Safe & Sound is a life saver when it comes to this new "game". Now I can just turn on my parent unit, pan around {270 degrees side-to-side and tilts as many as 124 degrees up and down} and see if he's dropped his blankie or pacifier. If he still has both then I don't need to go in and make things worse. This monitor also has a "talk" feature that lets you soothe your baby from your parent device without going into the room. How cool is that?
Every night since Kendall was born I have gone into her room before I go to bed to "check" on her. Every night. Call me a creeper mom but I really just love to see her sweet sleeping face and kiss those edible cheeks just one more time before I shut my eyes. I was doing the same with James but he's a much lighter sleeper and would wake up every time he heard his door creak open. The Vtech Safe & Sound allows me to zoom in, up close, on his sweet sleeping face so I can see him one last time before I go to bed. Who doesn't love watching a sleeping baby? This just took creepy mom status to expert level.
Moms of multiples, this monitor allows you to connect four cameras to one parental unit so you can just switch between all your kiddos rooms with the click of one button. I so wish we had a camera in Kendall's room when we were fighting all those bedtime battles earlier this year. Oh this would have made things so much easier because we could tell her "get back in bed" through the monitor instead of getting up every 2.5 seconds to put her back in bed.
Jimmy was pretty impressed with the monitor too, #winning. Guys like different things when it comes to electronics, especially when they're an electrician. He was sold on the clarity of the screen on the parent unit and the sound in the baby's room when using the "talk" feature from the parent unit.
Ooops gotta go, I can see James waking up now.
What other cool gadgets have come out in the past 3-4 years that I need to know about? Perhaps for toddlers?
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